Christmas / Божић

Dear brothers and sisters! We are looking forward to our Nativity festivities this week. Драга браћо и сестре радујемо се наступајућим празницима Божића! In order to keep everyone safe and to comply with Santa Clara County Covid Protocols, we have to ask you to be mindful and please wear a mask when indoors. Молимо Вас […]

Youth Group Discussion with Fr. Vido

I am aiming to provide an open and relaxed ambiance where I would lead different topic discussions with the hope to generate over time a strong youth group with solid knowledge about their faith and with a zeal for doing good in this world, by being good Christians. I want them also to get to […]


ĆEVAPFEST, SAT MAY 13TH, 6 PM ORDER TICKETS Please place your orders on time. Parties of 8 and more will have tables reserved.


SARMAFEST, SATURDAY MAR, 9 PM   ORDER TICKETS MENU Sarma Dinner Mashed Potatoes Grilled Sausage Bread Desert, Coffee & Tea Please place your orders on time. Parties of 8 or more will have tables reserved.