Youth Group Discussion with Fr. Vido

I am aiming to provide an open and relaxed ambiance where I would lead different topic discussions with the hope to generate over time a strong youth group with solid […]


ĆEVAPFEST, SAT MAY 13TH, 6 PM ORDER TICKETS Please place your orders on time. Parties of 8 and more will have tables reserved.

KOLO Slava

Please preorder your tickets now, as it will help us prepare for the event. Order KOLO Slava Tickets  

Church SLAVA, St Archangel Michael

Join us for the service and lunch for the church slava event. Please make reservations for lunch as seating is limited.

Christmas Eve (Бадње вече)

Church Service /  Служба 5 P.M. Burning of the Badnjak Tree (Oak) /  Горење Бадњака 6 P.M. Traditional Bacalar Dinner / Бакалар вечера 7 P.M. Make sure you reserve seats […]


SARMAFEST, SATURDAY MAR 1, 6 PM   ORDER TICKETS MENU Sarma Dinner Mashed Potatoes Grilled Sausage Bread Desert, Coffee & Tea Please place your orders on time.