Youth Group Discussion with Fr. Vido
I am aiming to provide an open and relaxed ambiance where I would lead different topic discussions with the hope to generate over time a strong youth group with solid […]
I am aiming to provide an open and relaxed ambiance where I would lead different topic discussions with the hope to generate over time a strong youth group with solid […]
ĆEVAPFEST, SAT MAY 13TH, 6 PM ORDER TICKETS Please place your orders on time. Parties of 8 and more will have tables reserved.
Service Schedule May 2nd, Great Thursday, Great Vigil with 12 Gospel readings at 6 PM May 3rd, Great and Holy Friday, Vesper & Matins (Burial Service) at 6 PM May […]
Please preorder your tickets now, as it will help us prepare for the event. Order KOLO Slava Tickets
Serbian Food Festival, Sep 28 & 29. More info at
Serbian Food Festival, Sep 28 & 29. More info at
Join us for the service and lunch for the church slava event. Please make reservations for lunch as seating is limited.
Church Service / Служба 5 P.M. Burning of the Badnjak Tree (Oak) / Горење Бадњака 6 P.M. Traditional Bacalar Dinner / Бакалар вечера 7 P.M. Make sure you reserve seats […]
SARMAFEST, SATURDAY MAR 1, 6 PM ORDER TICKETS MENU Sarma Dinner Mashed Potatoes Grilled Sausage Bread Desert, Coffee & Tea Please place your orders on time.